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5top attraction giza Egypt

giza Egypt:

giza  Egypt

giza Egypt , an Egyptian metropolis on the western bank of the Nile, is thought to be the nearest big city to Cairo. It has a population of about 10 million.

What’s The top attraction in Giza City ?

1-Three large pyramids constructed as royal mausoleums sometime in the 26th century B.C. are among the famous Egyptian structures that can be found on the Giza Plateau. King Khufu’s tomb is the greatest pyramid, the Great Pyramid. The Great Sphinx is a huge sculpture that features a lion’s body and a man’s head. The Giza pyramids aren’t the only attraction; the Solar Boat Museum features a rebuilt cedar boat that was discovered buried close to the Great Pyramid.

2- In Giza City,there are still many things to explore in this historic city, such as the Sakkara or Saqqara pyramids, in particular the Zosar pyramid and Complex, which is thought to be the first building on Earth made of limestone.

The pyramid of King Unas from the Fifth Dynasty is one of the best from the inside since the writing from the pyramid was still painted on its walls (consider it the first pyramid to have this decoration from the inside). We are fortunate that it has survived.

The lovely heroglafic inscription still survives within in fine shape in the burial room on the right side of the descending passage of about 12 metres, which leads to the antechamber.

Titi’s pyramid is nearby  King Zoser’s complex I, The exterior of the pyramid is in poor shape, but the burial chamber is still in fine condition.

3- both the red and the bent pyramids.

One of the most wonderful experiences is taking a 15-minute drive out of Sakkara to find the Red Pyramid, the first traditional Egyptian pyramid. As you approach the Red Pyramid, you’ll notice that it resembles the Great Pyramid of Giza because King Snenfru built it (the father of king Cheops great pyramid builder).

Monarch Snenfru chose to create a classic pyramid rather than steps like the previous king, which is why it is regarded as the first classic or true pyramid ever built in history. Later, King Cheops built his own pyramid in Giza to be far from his father.

Why was King Cheops’ pyramid built so far away from his father?

Traditionally, when a son built a tomb close to his father, the tomb should be smaller to show respect. This is why King Cheops wanted to build a pyramid larger than his father, so he chose this empty location to build his massive pyramid as a copy of his father.

4- Memphis open-air museum

The original location of Egypt’s first capital, 7000 years ago, is only 10 minutes drive from Sakkara.

The excavation in this area began in the nineteenth century AD, and the Alabaster sphinx was discovered, which is considered the second largest sphinx discovered in Egypt.

Scholars continued to work in this area and discovered the remains of Memphis’s oldest temple beneath the ground, including the largest statue of King Ramses II, which is now housed in the Memphis Museum.

There are still many attractions in this magical city that you will enjoy. You can choose one of your tours that will take you around most of Giza’s highlights.

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